Economics Book For UPSC

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What should you understand by the term ‘Economy’?

 Aspirants often call this section as Economics. There are others who call this section as Indian Economy. But the exact wordings from UPSC Prelims syllabus are as “Economic and Social Development, Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector initiatives, etc. Question to test the economics fundamentals are also asked, but most of the questions revolve around topics like Inflation, Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy etc.

Books to study Economics

  1. Indian Economy – Ramesh Singh.
  2. Economic Survey.
  3. India Year Book.
  4. Indian Economy Since Independence – Uma Kapila.
  5. Indian Economy – Datt and Sundaram.

Additional Books to study Indian Economy for IAS Mains

  1. Indian Economy – Sanjeev Varma.
  2. Indian Economy – Mishra and Puri.
  3. Indian Economy – Performance and Policies – Uma Kapila.
  4. March of Indian Economy.

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