Decline of feudalism promoted trade but also led to an increase in centralization .....

Q. 4 The decline of feudalism promoted trade but also led to an increase in centralization which was to later wave its own side effects. Elucidate. 

First of all students should read question carefully and understand properly, then definitely write their answer as we all know in UPSC Mains Exam answer writing skill matters a lot. So go ahead and read below important things related to question and write your answer.

Key Words from question:

There are something called "to the point", so students should understand question properly. And here we are providing the key words which are there in the question, will definitely help in writing the answer:

  • Promoted trade
  • Increased centralization.
  • Its own side effect.

How should be answer: Format

Answer format for the UPSC Mains answer writing is really important, and content is more than that. So sample answer will be provided in another post or after few answer submission by the students, to be notified do subscribe the comment box. Now below is the sample answer format:

     1. Introduction
     2. Body
              ⇰  Land ownership
                Trade, Guild, Capitalism
                Centralization and side effect
    3. Conclusion 
Don't hesitate from writing and uploading since everyone starts from zero, so you are not the first one. Just start writing because writing is the important key practice job for Mains.

Write your answer in the comment section or upload image: 👇👇

Also Write Previous Questions: GS1

Stay-tuned : Thank you.😊

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