Tribes are very favorite area of govt. exams these days, so i thought to bring a list of important tribes and their area where do they belongs. I will also bring the list of Indian tribes the area they will be belonging.
For detailed One can visit:
Aleuts: Alaska
Ainus: Japan
Bedouin: Sahara and Middle East
Bindibu or Aborigins: Australia
Bushman: Kalahari
Chukchi: NE Asia, USSR, North Siberia
Eskimos: Greenland, North Canada, Alaska, N Siberia
Fulani: Western Africa
Gobi Mongols: Gobi
Guicas: Amazon forest area
Hausa: North Nigeria
Hotten tots: Hot tropical Africa
Ibanas: Equatorial rain forest region of South-East Asia
India Tribes: Amazon basin
Kalmuk: Central Asia
Kazakhs: Kazakhistan
Kirghiz: Asiatic steppes
Koryakas: N. Siberia, Eurassian
Lapps: N. Finland, Scandinavian country
Maoris: New Zealand
Masai: East & Central Africa
Meos: Myanmar
Orang Alsi: Malaysia
Pygmies: Congo basin, Zaire
Red Indian: N. America
Semangs: East Sumatra
Tapiro: Papua New Guinea
Turregs: Sahara
Yoakuts: Siberia
Zulus: South Africa
If you think anyone is left please let me know in the comment section.